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Summary: Four Given New Drug (Press, 23 June 1987)
On 23 June 1987, the Health Department in New Zealand announced that four patients would begin treatment with a new drug for AIDS, zidovudine, also known by its brand names Retrovir and AZT. Dr Ralph Riseley, the department's principal medical officer of health, clarified that while zidovudine could slow the multiplication of the virus in the body, it was not a cure for AIDS. He highlighted that the use of the drug carried certain risks, prompting the department to implement close monitoring of patients for any adverse reactions. Research conducted overseas indicated that AIDS patients suffering from a specific form of pneumonia could benefit significantly from the medication. The annual cost of zidovudine was approximately NZ$16,000 per patient, and the drug was still undergoing clinical trials. The approval process for its use involved a special sub-committee of the AIDS Advisory Committee, which reviewed each application individually. The four patients selected to receive zidovudine were located in Auckland, Wellington, and Christchurch, marking a significant step in the treatment approach to AIDS in New Zealand.
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