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Summary: Taranaki ‘should W Aware Of A.I.D.S.' (Press, 11 June 1987)
Dr Bert White, director of pathology at the Taranaki Hospital Board, has raised concerns about the potential presence of the AIDSL virus in the New Plymouth community. Despite only one positive antibody test being reported in New Plymouth, Dr White believes that others may have been tested elsewhere or may not be aware of their status regarding the virus. He emphasised the importance for people to be vigilant, noting that there could be individuals who have returned from high-risk areas, such as Sydney, who may carry the virus without having been tested.
Dr White acknowledged the uncertainty around the number of homosexual residents in Taranaki, which could affect the understanding of the virus's presence in the region. He expressed apprehension about the community's awareness of the AIDS virus and advocated for increased testing among populations at risk.
Dr White's comments come in the context of growing awareness surrounding health issues related to the virus, while also stressing the need for sensitivity and accuracy in discussing it, in order to avoid sensationalism. He highlighted the necessity for education and proper testing procedures to ensure that those who may be affected can receive the necessary support and treatment.
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