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Summary: A.i.d.s. Disinfectant Available In August (Press, 10 June 1987)
A new disinfectant and antiseptic called Phoraid, effective against the H.I.V. (A.I.D.S.) virus, is set to be launched in New Zealand in August 1987. The product was developed in Britain and will be distributed locally by a new company named Specialised Chemicals and Maintenance, directed by Mr John Williams. He highlighted that Phoraid is a quick and practical solution for neutralising the H.I.V. virus found in blood or body fluids following accidents. Mr Williams noted the importance of Phoraid for emergency responders who could be exposed to the virus while assisting injured individuals. This includes ambulance officers, police, firefighters, and medical and dental personnel. Phoraid has already demonstrated significant sales in Britain, with 65,000 litres sold in the initial two months after its introduction. Various police authorities have adopted Phoraid for disinfecting facilities like jail cells and toilets, and it is also commonly used in sports centres and swimming pools. New Zealand health authorities have shown considerable interest in Phoraid, indicating a strong market potential. The company expects to receive initial supplies the first week of August. Specialised Chemicals and Maintenance is a joint venture formed between Mr Williams and its Australian counterpart, with plans to introduce additional products to the New Zealand market shortly, including an air duct cleaner aimed at eliminating Legionnaire’s disease bacteria.
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