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Summary: No Name Yet For A.I.D.S. Clinic (Press, 23 April 1987)
On 23 April 1987, a member of the Hospital Board, Mr David Close, urged that the naming of the Christchurch A.I.D.S. Counselling Centre should not impede its work within the community. The A.I.D.S. Support Network proposed naming the centre located in St Andrew’s Outpatients building after Ettie Rout, a pioneer in treating sexually transmitted diseases in New Zealand during World War I. However, their proposal was deemed unacceptable as the board had a policy against naming buildings or clinics after specific individuals. In light of this, the hospital’s house committee suggested the name "Lambda Centre," referencing the eleventh letter of the Greek alphabet, which is often associated with A.I.D.S. The discussion on the naming of the clinic was postponed for further conversation between senior medical staff and the A.I.D.S. Support Network. Mr Close emphasised the urgency of addressing the A.I.D.S. crisis and expressed concern that adherence to board protocol should not obstruct efforts to combat the epidemic.
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