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Summary: Bunnies Down The Line (Press, 23 April 1987)
In April 1987, "Playboy" magazine launched an electronic edition aimed at reaching a new audience, particularly targeting computer hackers looking for entertainment beyond their conventional pursuits. This innovative format allows users of Apple Macintosh computers to access a range of "Playboy" articles via telephone, including an interview with Prince Norodom Sihanouk and responses from former Playmates on whether they have ever teased. The edition also includes digitised nude photographs of the month's centrefold, Miss Kym Paige. This move comes in response to challenges "Playboy" has faced in recovering its circulation after the impact of the Meese Commission on Pornography, which prompted many retailers to remove the magazine from display. To address falling sales, "Playboy" has initiated legal action against the commission. The magazine's guaranteed circulation to advertisers has decreased by 17 per cent, and in 1986, the company reported a significant loss of $120 million, primarily due to extraordinary items. Compounding these financial woes, the buyer of its Atlantic City casino defaulted on payments, and the new "Playboy" clubs were forced to close due to unexpected clientele issues. Despite these setbacks, the first half of 1987 showed modest improvement with profits of $6 million, although this was in stark contrast to the previous year's heavy losses. Christie Hefner, the president of "Playboy" and daughter of the founder, has been working to steady the company’s ship. She has identified three main areas of focus for "Playboy": publishing, which comprised 79 per cent of 1986’s sales of $360 million; video, making up 13 per cent; and licensing and merchandising, contributing 7 per cent. One of Hefner's critical challenges is reshaping the company’s image to distance it from the pornography label while still maintaining its brand ethos. The traditional “naked-girl-next-door” approach is becoming increasingly difficult to uphold in the changing cultural landscape of the 1980s. Without a clear alternative to the past “Playboy philosophy,” the magazine risks struggling through inconsistent partnerships and strategies.
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