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Summary: Needles Need Reiterated (Press, 2 April 1987)
On 2 April 1987, the A.I.D.S. Foundation in Auckland renewed its advocacy for the sale of needles to drug addicts, following the alarming discovery that four heterosexual intravenous drug users tested positive for A.I.D.S. antibodies. Ms Kate Leslie, the foundation's chairman, addressed the issue, emphasising that the spread of the disease could be effectively mitigated by making clean needles and syringes available at chemists' shops in exchange for used ones. The positive test results came from the latest batch at the Burnett A.I.D.S. Clinic in Auckland. It was noted that the four male drug users, residing in Auckland, were neither bisexual nor homosexual, indicating that their infection was exclusively linked to the sharing of contaminated needles. Ms Leslie said that this situation demonstrates that the issue of infected intravenous drug users is increasingly prevalent in the community. She highlighted the urgency of the problem, attributing it to the challenges drug users face in obtaining clean needles and syringes.
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