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Summary: America’s Gay Priests (Press, 2 April 1987)
In an article by W. J. Weatherby published on 2 April 1987, the discussion revolves around the evolving perception of clergy within the Catholic Church regarding issues of sexuality, particularly homosexuality. The piece references the historical context, noting that over 40 years prior, author Graham Greene had caused quite a stir among Catholics by suggesting that even a priest who fathered a child could still be considered a saint. More recently, Father Andrew Greenley highlighted the existence of a cardinal leading a secret life akin to that of a soap opera character. The article reveals that a study has prompted American Catholics to consider that approximately one-fifth of priests in the United States may identify as gay. This conclusion comes from limited case histories spanning 25 years and has gained considerable media attention, particularly following a stricter stance from the Vatican on homosexuality. In response to this, several American bishops have prohibited groups that support homosexual activity from using church facilities for meetings and services. However, accusations have emerged from gay groups asserting that the bishops are more accepting of homosexual priests than they publicly admit. They have brought forward testimonies from former priests who identify as gay and continue to serve within the priesthood. The article explains that discussions surrounding priests' sexual activities—both homosexual and heterosexual—have often remained hidden, with only occasional scandals or court cases shedding light on these issues. Previously, the media handled ecclesiastical scandals carefully, but the recent wave of allegations and discussions has brought these matters into the spotlight. A notable mention is made of a “Newsweek” study titled “Gays in the clergy,” signifying a shift in how such topics are reported. Due to the clandestine nature of such activities, obtaining accurate data is challenging, but psychologist Richard Sipe, a former priest, suggested through interviews that about 20 per cent of the 57,000 Catholic priests in America are homosexual, with half of them likely being sexually active. Sipe also believes this number has increased since 1978. The article argues that while the current debates might seem focused solely on homosexuality, they instead reflect a broader challenge to redefine the expectations of modern Christianity. Homosexuals assert that they should not be scapegoated, as the real issue extends beyond sexual orientation to encompass the relationship dynamics between church leaders and their congregants in contemporary society. These discussions indicate a significant cultural shift and potential crisis within the Catholic Church regarding its understanding and acceptance of sexual diversity among its clergy.
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