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Summary: Homosexuals Adopt Safer Sex Methods (Press, 19 February 1987)
Surveys of sexual practices in Dunedin have revealed positive developments regarding the adoption of safe practices among homosexual men, according to an article from the New Zealand Medical Journal published on 19 February 1987. Phil Parkinson, coordinator of the A.I.D.S. Support Network, and Tony Hughes, biomedical co-ordinator of the A.I.D.S. Foundation, highlighted that only a relatively small number of openly homosexual men appear to remain at risk of contracting the virus. Parkinson and Hughes noted the increased use of condoms, stating, “Condoms are certainly being used.” They pointed to a significant decrease in the incidence of gonorrhoea in Wellington and Auckland as an encouraging indicator that unprotected sexual encounters are becoming less common. The duo expressed optimism that widespread and early distribution of authoritative information regarding A.I.D.S. has successfully communicated the importance of safe sex practices to many individuals within the community before the virus becomes more prevalent. While they acknowledged the difficulty in assessing the long-term effectiveness of these initial community health initiatives until several years later, they expressed hope that should these efforts prove successful, New Zealand could potentially avert a major epidemic until effective antiviral therapies are developed.
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