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Summary: Call For Doctor’s Dismissal (Press, 14 February 1987)
The Gay Task Force is urging the dismissal of Dr Thomas Fogg, Wellington’s Acting Medical Officer of Health, following his critical remarks about a document titled “The Rights of People with A.I.D.S.” Dr Fogg took issue with claims within the document concerning the rights of A.I.D.S. sufferers, particularly their right to decide whether to inform sexual partners of their condition and a recommendation advocating for low-risk sex practices for all men and women. Bill Logan, a spokesman for the Gay Task Force, accused Dr Fogg of attacking the group without a proper understanding of either the statement or the Health Department’s recommendations regarding A.I.D.S. and safe sex practices. Logan expressed concern over Dr Fogg’s implications that individuals deemed "not at risk" could disregard safe sex guidelines, describing these views as especially harmful. He warned that following Dr Fogg's advice could lead to an increase in A.I.D.S. cases, stating that everyone is at risk and must exercise caution. Logan highlighted that the number of A.I.D.S. cases among heterosexuals in America is rising more rapidly than among homosexuals, asserting that Dr Fogg is "simply, technically wrong, and dangerously wrong." Additionally, Logan indicated that Dr Fogg’s statements are damaging the vital relationship between key communities and the Health Department during a critical period in the response to A.I.D.S.
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