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Summary: A Crushing Blow To Friendship (Press, 6 October 1986)
In a reflective piece, Helen Mason discusses the evolving perceptions and experiences of adolescence, particularly around issues of crushes, sexual orientation, and the loss of innocence. At the age of 14, she contrasts her school experiences with those of her peers, noting that instead of having a crush on more popular figures, she and her friend Charlotte admired a vice-captain named Naomi. Mason acknowledges that these infatuations were fleeting and ultimately lacked depth, hinting at a broader understanding of romantic feelings that extends beyond the superficialities of youth. Mason highlights contemporary concerns among adolescents who grapple with their sexual identity, as many question whether they might be lesbian or gay. She points out that queries from young people seeking advice from gay organisations as a result of these anxieties now make up a significant part of the work for counsellors. This reaction to normal developmental stages is troubling for her, as she reflects on her own upbringing and the literature she consumed, which seemed to overlook the complexities of same-sex relationships. She recalls how societal attitudes towards homosexuality have shifted over time, noting that older women still may hold outdated views despite having shared lives with other women. Mason laments the loss of innocence and genuine affection in the current culture, suggesting that the demand for counselling when adolescents experience same-sex attractions indicates a troubling trend towards spiritual atrophy. Mason shares personal anecdotes to underscore how societal norms have transformed, reflecting on a boy who feels he must create a façade of heterosexual interest to reassure his mother and on her own mother's naive understanding of homosexuality. Her setting illustrates a generational gap, where evolving discussions around sexual orientation now encompass more nuanced conversations. She expresses concern that the portrayal of intimacy in media and literature increasingly reduces the complexity of same-sex love to stereotypes or misconceptions. Mason urges for a more open acceptance of diverse sexual identities among the young, highlighting the importance of recognizing genuine love and affection rather than stigmatising it. Ultimately, her reflections encapsulate a poignant sense of nostalgia for a time when love was simpler, while confronting the current pressures faced by youth navigating their identities.
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