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Summary: ‘Tablet’ Attacks Condom Advts (Press, 24 September 1986)
On 24 September 1986, the Catholic magazine "Tablet" published an editorial criticising the New Zealand Government-funded AIDS prevention advertising campaign. The editorial labelled the campaign as immoral, particularly targeting a specific advertisement that claimed condoms can prevent the spread of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). The "Tablet" argued that this assertion was seriously flawed from a moral standpoint. The publication condemned the campaign for endorsing practices such as anal and oral sex and for promoting sexual partnerships outside of marriage. It asserted that the advertisements failed to reflect Christian values, particularly the importance of chastity and the concept that saying "no" is the most effective method of contraception. The editorial suggested that the advertisements should have included straightforward advice reminiscent of messaging given to New Zealand troops during World War II, recommending abstinence as the solution to avoid contagion. Furthermore, the "Tablet" critiqued the campaign for implicitly endorsing a lifestyle that it deemed abnormal, claiming it normalised homosexual acts. It stated that the advertisement's messaging suggested that such lifestyles were acceptable, which the publication strongly opposed. The editorial also proposed that while the Health Department had a duty to manage the AIDS epidemic, advertising efforts should focus on the homosexual community by utilising their specific publications instead of mainstream daily newspapers. The magazine called for a reconsideration of the campaign, advocating that the management of efforts related to AIDS prevention should be entrusted to a more diverse group beyond the current AIDs Foundation. The "Tablet" concluded by expressing concern that the legalisation of homosexual practices would further contribute to the spread of AIDS.
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