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Summary: Dept Doubtful On ‘gay’ Policy (Press, 29 August 1986)
On 29 August 1986, the director of personnel for the Education Department, Mr Terry O’Brien, stated that the department may face challenges in adopting certain aspects of the Post-Primary Teachers’ Association policy concerning homosexual and lesbian teachers. He noted that some regulations within the policy are applicable to the entire State service, implying that significant changes would need to be implemented across all state operations, not just within the education sector. Mr O’Brien explained that while some regulations may seem discriminatory, they were not intentionally designed to exclude homosexual and lesbian individuals. However, he highlighted that certain rules only pertained to married couples, thereby excluding unmarried individuals regardless of their sexual orientation. Additionally, Mr Arch Gilchrist, the Director of Schools, commented on the absence of resource material on homosexuality within the department. He acknowledged that the topic could naturally arise in discussions related to literature or history but emphasised that it would be up to individual schools to determine how they address the subject. Further details on the matter were available on page 2 of the publication.
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