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Summary: P.p.t.a. Paper (Press, 28 August 1986)
In a letter to the editor published on 28 August 1986, Rosalie Rolls expressed her gratitude to Thelma Brass for highlighting a recommendation by the Post Primary Teachers' Association (P.P.T.A.) to teach homosexuality positively in school classrooms. This recommendation is intended to safeguard the rights and working conditions of lesbian and homosexual teachers. However, Rolls voiced her concern that the recommendation could further discredit both the P.P.T.A. and its members, particularly in light of the strong rejection by both Parliament and the public of part 2 of the Homosexual Law Reform Bill. She indicated that the existence of this proposal raises significant concerns regarding the implementation of sex education programmes in New Zealand schools, which have already attracted controversy. Rolls concluded her letter by urging care and caution in addressing these sensitive issues.
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