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Summary: Decent Kiwi Joker Wanted (Press, 4 August 1986)
On 4 August 1986, the Otago University Students’ Association (OUSA) announced the creation of two new executive positions: the Decent Kiwi Joker and the Reasonable Man. This decision follows a previous unsuccessful attempt to establish a homosexual rights officer within the executive. Initiated by students Rodger Harwood and Mike Lloyd, the proposal for these new roles emerged as a counter-movement to the earlier suggestion for a dedicated officer supporting homosexual rights. During a recent meeting of the Student Representative Council (SRC), a vote was held which required a two-thirds majority to amend the constitution and implement the new positions. Mr. Lloyd noted that the turnout for this vote was higher than usual, leading to the successful endorsement of the constitutional change. He has expressed interest in running for the Decent Kiwi Joker position, with indications that feminists at the university may also propose a candidate. The Decent Kiwi Joker, as described by Mr. Lloyd, embodies traditional New Zealand values and interests. He humorously outlined his vision for the position as one that favours rugby, racing, and beer, while dismissing modern culinary trends such as quiche. Mr. Lloyd further advocated for a more relatable language in the student union, suggesting that food items should be referred to using familiar terms, such as calling quiche “pie.” The Reasonable Man position is designed to provide representation for individuals who identify with being reasonable and who wish to have their voices heard within the student body. Elections for both positions are set to take place at the first SRC meeting of the following term. The introduction of these roles reflects a move towards inclusivity in representation, albeit through a lens that appeals to traditional values and humour, as articulated by the proposed candidates.
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