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Summary: M.P. For ‘normal’ Life Now (Press, 10 July 1986)
On 10 July 1986, Fran Wilde, the Member of Parliament for Wellington Central and a key figure in New Zealand's homosexual law reform, expressed her desire to lead a more conventional political life following her successful advocacy for the legislation. Commenting on her win, which saw the bill pass with a 49-44 vote, Wilde indicated relief about the conclusion of a challenging process, stating, “I’m pleased it is all over and that we have won.” After the vote, Wilde mentioned that she had felt confident about the outcome during a dinner break prior to the final decision. She was given a brief reprieve from her parliamentary duties as Junior Government Whip to celebrate this significant victory with her supporters. She acknowledged that the journey of guiding the legislation through its various stages had taken an emotional and physical toll on her and her colleagues. Despite facing a hate campaign from opponents of the reform, Wilde asserted that such negativity had little impact on her, stating that she often did not see the hate mail directed at her as her staff chose to withhold it from her. She noted that if the bill had not passed, she would not have pursued the issue again in the current parliamentary session. This victory marked a pivotal moment in New Zealand's legislative history regarding LGBTQ+ rights.
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