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Summary: The Day In Parliament (Press, 3 July 1986)
On 2 July 1986, during a parliamentary session that started at 2 p.m., New Zealand's Minister of Agriculture, Mr Moyle, presented a Ministerial statement regarding the farm package. The session included responses from the Leader of the Opposition, Mr Bolger, and Democratic MP for East Coast Bays, Mr G. T. Knapp. Following their speeches, Mr Moyle provided a brief reply. Additionally, the House received and tabled four annual reports from various trusts and boards, including the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Board, the Johnsonville Licensing Trust, the Mount Albert Licensing Trust, and the Legal Aid Board. The session was marked by ministers answering a total of 14 questions from the floor. The Speaker of the House, Dr Wall, granted a request from the Opposition for a snap debate on the farm package, which was initiated by Mr J. H. Falloon, the Opposition spokesman on agriculture. The debate was temporarily suspended at 5:30 p.m. for dinner and recommenced at 7:30 p.m. Following this discussion, members engaged in a general debate. Once this debate concluded, the Auckland Improvement Trust Amendment Bill successfully passed through its committee stages. Subsequently, the committee stages of the Auckland City Council (Rating Relief) Empowering Amendment Bill were debated and also passed. Both bills progressed to their third readings. The session then moved on to consider the third reading of the Homosexual Law Reform Bill. There was a proposal by Mr P. R. Burdon, a National MP from Fendalton, to refer the bill back to its committee stages for possible amendments concerning the age of consent. However, this motion was defeated with a vote of 63 to 22. Following this, Ms Fran Wilde, a Labour MP from Wellington Central, initiated the third reading of the Crimes Amendment Bill, which was the revised title for the Homosexual Law Reform Bill. A subsequent motion to close the debate was narrowly defeated, with a tally of 43 against 42. Finally, the House rose at 11 p.m. without concluding the third reading of the bill, indicating that further discussion was still required. The proceedings reflected ongoing political engagement with significant legislation in a time of social change within New Zealand.
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