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Summary: N.z. Nightmare (Press, 4 June 1986)
On 4 June 1986, a letter published in the newspaper expressed deep concern regarding various societal issues in New Zealand. The writer, Mrs C. S. Hill, reflected on the troubling rise of A.I.D.S. cases and the publication of educational materials aimed at teaching children how to engage in safe sodomy. She questioned the morality and implications of proposals for taxpayers to fund free syringes for drug addicts and condoms for individuals already involved in sodomy. Mrs Hill further highlighted the strain on the social welfare system, which she deemed overloaded, pointing out that workers who received large redundancy payments subsequently sought unemployment benefits. She was particularly disturbed by the case of a man convicted of murder who was awarded accident compensation after injuring himself while attempting to escape from prison. The writer expressed confusion over government claims of needing to cut costs and enhance efficiency in public services, which appeared contradictory to the actions taken within Parliament, where press officers were laid off only to be replaced by higher-paid employees. Additionally, she referenced concerns over the spending habits of government officials, questioning the costs associated with Mrs Hercus’s stationery. In summary, Mrs Hill's letter encapsulated a sense of disillusionment with the state of social policies and government accountability in New Zealand, expressing a desire for clarity and resolution to what she described as a nightmarish situation.
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