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Summary: Half-hour Dramas (Press, 22 May 1986)
On 22 May 1986, four New Zealand-produced dramas, each lasting approximately half an hour, were set to be screened at the Academy in Christchurch at 5 p.m. on the following Sunday. These films are part of a collection of seven created by Bridget Ikin and John Maynard from Hibiscus Films, who were scheduled to attend the event. After the screening, the producers would be available for discussions with audience members at the nearby Dux-de-Lux Tavern. The event was organised by Film and Video Access, a local group dedicated to promoting film. The dramas, acquired through the Film Commission, were praised for their exceptional format, colour, and content, and tackle adult themes. The featured titles include "Jewel's Dari," which explores a day in the life of both a transexual and a transvestite; "My First Suit," a comedic narrative about a young man's experience at his first school dance wearing a suit; "Universal Drive," which portrays the ramifications of a car theft and the ensuing chase; and "Danny Raewyn," an honest examination of marital problems. Notably, this screening marked the first time any of these four dramas had been presented in the South Island. Reservations were available through the Academy for those interested in attending the event.
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