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Summary: Actor Investigated (Press, 20 May 1986)
The United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) expressed concern over Rock Hudson's potential portrayal of a Federal agent in films, according to new documents released as part of a recent request under the Freedom of Information Act. Despite never being subjected to a criminal investigation, Hudson's private life attracted scrutiny from several FBI offices in the 1960s. The information came to light following a report by the "Dallas Times Herald," which obtained Hudson's file. The revelations echo claims made by Penthouse Magazine last year that first highlighted the existence of the FBI file. Documents indicate that the FBI launched two investigations in response to media speculation regarding Hudson's casting as a Federal agent. One of these inquiries spanned nearly three months and concluded after agents discovered he was set to play a New York police officer instead. Regrettably, Hudson, who was 59 years old, passed away in October 1985 from AIDS, a disease predominantly affecting homosexual men. The investigations into Hudson's professional roles not only reflect the attitudes of the time but also the complexities surrounding his personal life and career.
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