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Reaction To Petition (Press, 5 May 1986)

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Summary: Reaction To Petition (Press, 5 May 1986)

In a letter to the editor published on 5 May 1986, P. J. R. Dunford critiques the claim that 835,000 New Zealanders signed a petition against the Homosexual Law Reform Bill. Dunford argues that the number, often cited in Parliament, is likely inflated and that a more accurate figure would be around 100,000, as suggested by L. A. H. Bogren. He points out inconsistencies in the assertions made by supporters of the petition, particularly their claim that 80 per cent of the population in specific electorates, such as Hamilton West and Mangere, signed it. Dunford highlights that while it is true some locals did sign the petition, such high percentages are unrealistic and represent a significant exaggeration.

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Publish Date:5th May 1986