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Summary: New Move On Homosexual Bill (Press, 24 April 1986)
In April 1986, the New Zealand Parliament was set to reconsider the age of consent in the Homosexual Law Reform Bill, which originally proposed legalising homosexual acts for those aged 16 and older. Speaker Dr Wall announced that the legislation could return to the committal stage for further examination and potential amendments. A motion to raise the consent age to either 18 or 20 could be considered just before the bill's anticipated third reading on 28 May. National Party member Mr Philip Burdon planned to introduce an amendment to set the age at 19, arguing that this figure better reflected societal expectations in New Zealand. While the provision legalising homosexuality among those 16 and above could be revisited, the portion aimed at preventing discrimination based on sexual orientation had been entirely rejected the previous week and could not be revived. Ms Fran Wilde, the bill's sponsor from the Labour Party, expressed continued optimism regarding the passage of the bill as initially proposed. She acknowledged the voting would likely be very close but refrained from revealing specific numbers. The ongoing discussion regarding the bill had already unfolded over an extended period and suggested that any amendments would further prolong the debate surrounding this contentious issue.
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