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Summary: Muldoon Man To Seek Nomination (Press, 18 April 1986)
John Rowe, a resident of Frankton and owner of a car painting business, has declared his intention to seek the National Party nomination for the Hamilton West electorate. This announcement comes after Rowe previously sold his coffee bar to help support Sir Robert Muldoon's return to leadership within the National Party. Although formal nominations have yet to be called, Rowe mentioned that he has already communicated with electorate officials during a recent dinner event for party members in Te Rapa. This marks the first time Rowe has sought a nomination in any political capacity. He expressed his belief in fate, suggesting that it would ultimately determine whether he would receive the endorsement from the party's electorate committee and subsequently win the seat for the National Party. Rowe indicated that the public support he received for advocating Muldoon's resurgence within the party played a significant role in his decision to pursue this nomination. When asked if his political ideology would align closely with that of Muldoon, Rowe indicated a desire to adhere to his own principles, stating, "like Sir Robert has." He expressed concerns that ordinary citizens were not adequately represented in government decisions, citing government policies regarding South Africa and issues around homosexual law reform as pertinent examples. Rowe described himself as having conservative views and warned that the threat of communism is looming in New Zealand. His assertions reflect a commitment to traditional values and a sense of urgency regarding the political climate in the country.
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