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Summary: Book Burning Calls Disturb Libraries (Press, 16 April 1986)
On 16 April 1986, the Library Association reported increasing demands for book removals in response to the ongoing debate over "gay" rights, notably influenced by the Homosexual Reform Bill. Ms Dianne Morris, the editor of the association's newsletter, highlighted that library users, particularly in Christchurch and Auckland, were seeking to have books deemed indecent taken off the shelves. She noted that the situation in Christchurch was particularly intense, with a campaign aimed at removing the novel "Jenny Lives With Eric and Martin," which portrays a homosexual relationship. The Canterbury Public Library reviewed the book, but the Indecent Publications Tribunal determined it was not indecent and therefore allowed it to remain available. Ms Morris expressed concern about the movement towards censorship, arguing that it was inappropriate for individuals to dictate what others could read. She stated that even librarians would not take it upon themselves to decide on the suitability of reading materials. Additionally, there were calls from some Auckland residents for the removal of Donna Awatere’s book "Maori Sovereignty" from libraries, indicating a broader trend of censorship requests across various topics. The library association encouraged libraries to document any attempts at censorship so they could provide professional support to those affected by these pressures.
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