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Summary: Appeal Response Linked To Bill (Press, 14 March 1986)
In March 1986, donations to the Salvation Army Red Shield appeal saw a significant 30 per cent increase, which has been interpreted as strong public support for the Salvation Army's opposition to the Homosexual Law Reform Bill. Mr Graeme Lee, a National Party representative from Hauraki and a proponent of an anti-reform petition in the previous year, expressed that a 10 per cent increase in such challenging economic times would have been commendable, making the 30 per cent rise appear truly exceptional. He argued that this surge in donations demonstrated a clear public affirmation of the Salvation Army's values and an outright rejection of the homosexual community's efforts to undermine the organisation. Conversely, Ms Fran Wilde, a Labour Party MP for Wellington Central and a leading advocate for the homosexual law reform initiative, contended that the increase in donations merely reflected the intentions of those who oppose the reform. She suggested that these contributions were aimed at making a statement rather than indicating genuine support for the Salvation Army's mission. This situation highlights the ongoing societal tensions surrounding the issue of homosexual law reform in New Zealand during this period, as well as the polarising views on the role of religious organisations in such debates.
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