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Summary: Addicts And A.I.D.S. (Press, 18 January 1986)
A letter to the editor from L. A. H. Bogren criticises the New Zealand Government's approach to moral issues, particularly focusing on its support for the Homosexual Law Reform Bill, which aims to decriminalise sodomy. Bogren accuses the Government of ignoring traditional moral standards, citing the Health Department's consideration of providing more access to needles and syringes for drug addicts to prevent the spread of AIDS. The letter expresses outrage at what Bogren perceives as a "bleeding-heart liberal" agenda, suggesting that such measures are misguided and proposing absurd alternatives, like holiday camps for violent offenders or free condoms for homosexuals. Bogren urges Prime Minister David Lange and his colleagues to reconsider their stance on morality, referencing the Ten Commandments as a standard that should still hold relevance in contemporary society. The letter reflects a strong opposition to liberal social policies and a call for a return to traditional values.
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