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Summary: No Longer The Female Eunuchs (Press, 28 December 1985)
In her 1985 book "Woman's Experience of Sex," Sheila Kitzinger offers a frank and comprehensive examination of female sexuality, challenging traditional views and emphasizing the multifaceted nature of sexual expression. The book, spanning 320 pages and priced at $16.95, reflects Kitzinger's commitment to illuminating aspects of female sexuality often left in the shadows. Kitzinger asserts that, for women, sex transcends mere physical acts; it involves the entire body and varies through different stages of life. She criticizes the historical perception that sexual pleasure is a dangerous fault, noting that the current outlook has shifted to consider the absence of sexual satisfaction as a dysfunction. Through a quote from Dr Szasz, she highlights the evolution in societal attitudes towards masturbation—once viewed as an illness, now recognized as a healthy expression of sexuality. The book draws from feminist perspectives, encouraging women to explore their desires and identities, and positing that sex is an essential aspect of women's relationships with men and themselves. Kitzinger provides detailed insights into various anatomical pleasures, including the clitoris and the "G spot," which she identifies as central to achieving profound sexual pleasure. She also addresses practical concerns, such as intimacy after childbirth complications like episiotomies, offering self-help advice, including herbal remedies. Kitzinger's discussions are rooted in her conversations with a diverse array of women, leading her to realise that her understanding of sex had been largely influenced by male-centric narratives. She critiques the historical dominance of male anatomy as the standard in discussions of sexual behaviour and physiology, urging a shift towards a female perspective. The book is designed for women at all stages of life, from adolescence to old age, accommodating their evolving understanding of sexuality. Its distinction lies in its non-antagonistic tone towards men, promoting a collective journey to decipher both physical and emotional experiences related to sex. Overall, Kitzinger's work stands out as a vital resource for women seeking to understand their sexuality more holistically, fostering an environment where open discussion about sexual health and pleasure is encouraged.
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