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Summary: Homosexual Law Changes (Press, 17 December 1985)
In a letter published on 17 December 1985, C. G. A. Wilson raises concerns about the legal implications for two consenting 16-year-old males caught engaging in homosexual activities. The letter criticises the current law which mandates their immediate arrest and charge, despite the fact that over 30 per cent of males may participate in such activities during adolescence. Wilson argues that if proposed legislation sets the age of consent at 20, any homosexual acts committed at 16 would be considered crimes only until they turn 20, at which point those incidents could be deemed irrelevant and forgotten. The author advocates for the age of consent to be lowered to 16, emphasizing that the legal system's resources are misallocated on such cases rather than addressing more pressing crimes. Wilson concludes that homosexuality should not be classified as a crime.
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