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Summary: Influence Of Tv (Press, 6 December 1985)
In a letter published on 6 December 1985, Ted Mulcock expresses concern about the impact of television and media on societal morals and behaviour. He points out that despite David Lange's prominent anti-nuclear stance and his government's efforts to maintain no sporting ties with South Africa, there are serious issues affecting New Zealand society, such as murder, rape, and violence, which are increasingly normalised through media representation. Mulcock argues that while negative aspects of life are frequently portrayed on television, leading to their acceptance among younger generations, the media also holds the potential to promote positive human qualities like honesty, unselfishness, and service to others. He believes that a good government should strive to encourage these positive traits while working to diminish societal evils. He concludes by suggesting that finding solutions to eliminate strikes and address the negative influences in media would constitute significant achievements for the government.
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