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Summary: Homosexual Law Changes (Press, 28 November 1985)
In a letter to the editor published on 28 November 1985, Mrs Mies Oomen from Eketahuna expressed her concerns regarding the treatment of a petition against homosexual law reform, which was signed by over 800,000 citizens. Citing Professor G. W. R. Palmer's book "Unbridled Power," published in 1979, she highlighted that Palmer, who is now the Minister of Justice, advocated for public referendums on significant issues when a sufficient number of qualified electors petitioned Parliament. Oomen questioned why the petition against homosexual law reform was not referred to Parliament by the chairman of the select committee, suggesting this was an injustice to those who signed it. She referenced a survey conducted by the Auckland "Star," which reportedly found that there were no significant abuses in the collection of signatures for the petition. Oomen argued that in a truly democratic society, those who petitioned against the legalisation of sodomy should be given a platform to present their case. Her letter underscores the controversy surrounding the issue of homosexual law reform and the perceived neglect of the public's voice in the political process at that time.
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