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Summary: Homosexual Law Changes (Press, 12 November 1985)
In a letter published on 12 November 1985, Paul Maling critiques A. Delhanty's biblical interpretations regarding homosexuality and the story of Sodom. Maling points out that the term "sodomy," which was introduced by Philo of Alexandria, is not found in the Book of Genesis, nor is there any mention of homosexuality in that context. He argues that the references in II Peter 2:5-6 do not pertain to homosexuality but rather highlight the wickedness of the people during Noah's time in a different aspect. Maling emphasises that the sins of Sodom, as described in Ezekiel 16:49, were related to pride, excessive consumption, and idleness, rather than sexual immorality. He asserts that Sodom's fate was predetermined even before the angels arrived, suggesting a misinterpretation of the biblical narrative. He also clarifies a misquote attributed to him, stating that he did not claim that the Hebrews began practising homosexuality after their Babylonian captivity; instead, he mentioned that it was a prohibited behaviour they adhered to during that time. Prior to this prohibition, Maling argues, the Hebrew culture, like many others around the world, accepted and revered homosexual relationships, contrasting this historical acceptance with the contemporary labelling of homosexual males as "different." Maling’s letter argues for a reevaluation of historical views on homosexuality based on biblical texts and cultural practices, highlighting the anachronistic nature of Delhanty's interpretations.
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