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Summary: Choice Of Books (Press, 8 November 1985)
A letter to the editor discusses the controversy surrounding the book "Jenny lives with Eric and Martin," highlighting the inconsistency in views about young people's ability to make decisions regarding sexual orientation. The author, K. J. Cording from Rangiora, points out that while early teens were excluded from signing a petition against homosexual law reform because they were deemed too young to make informed decisions, they are simultaneously allowed to decide their sexual orientation at around the age of 13. Cording expresses frustration with what he perceives as a double standard in societal attitudes, where those considered broadminded or liberal promote alternative sexual practices instead of supporting traditional heterosexual relationships. He draws a parallel between this issue and dissent within religious communities, noting that disputes often arise when liberal ministers propose unconventional interpretations of scripture rather than questioning more traditional practices. The letter concludes with Cording expressing his disbelief at these contradictions.
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