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Summary: A.I.D.S. (Press, 6 November 1985)
In a letter to the editor published on 6 November 1985, Varian J. Wilson expresses concern over the treatment of A.I.D.S. victims in New Zealand, particularly highlighting a case where a victim may be evicted from his flat due to the illness. Wilson argues that while society should show sympathy and avoid persecution of A.I.D.S. sufferers, health authorities are overly lenient towards homosexual individuals with the disease, suggesting that they continue to pose a risk to the community. The letter notes that a support group for A.I.D.S. patients is reportedly advocating for these individuals to be allowed to remain in their social circles rather than being hospitalised, implying that they should be allowed to die in the company of friends. Wilson maintains that A.I.D.S. is primarily a disease affecting homosexual men in New Zealand and likens the denial often exhibited by individuals with the illness to that of alcoholics, suggesting that this denial could pose a danger to others around them. Wilson criticises recent media reports, particularly those that attempt to mitigate fears surrounding A.I.D.S. He cites an advertisement titled “A.I.D.S. The Facts,” which claims the disease affects everyone, and expresses dissatisfaction with subsequent articles in "The Press" that seem to downplay the connection between A.I.D.S. and homosexuality. He believes this oversight perpetuates a conspiracy that undermines the heterosexual community by not addressing the specific demographics affected by the disease. Overall, Wilson’s letter reflects a controversial viewpoint in the ongoing conversation about A.I.D.S., public health, and societal attitudes towards homosexuality during that period.
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