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Summary: Airmen Cleared Of Spying (Press, 26 October 1985)
On 25 October 1985, a jury in London acquitted three British servicemen of charges related to the unauthorized disclosure of NATO military secrets to the Soviet Union. The charges stemmed from allegations that the servicemen, who were members of the Royal Air Force, had been blackmailed due to their involvement in homosexual activities while stationed in Cyprus. After a trial that began in April, the jury unanimously found the defendants not guilty of six charges brought under the Official Secrets Act. The prosecution had claimed that the accused had participated in homosexual orgies and subsequently supplied sensitive information to Soviet agents, alleging that they had transmitted vast amounts of confidential material during their service between 1982 and 1984 at a critical communications facility at a British military base in Cyprus. Meanwhile, the jury was still deliberating on the case involving four other airmen who were also implicated in the same incident.
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