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Summary: Homosexual Law Changes (Press, 22 October 1985)
In a letter published on 22 October 1985, Paul Maling responds to David Shanks' interpretation of a previous discussion surrounding the concept of "normality" in relation to sexual behaviour, particularly regarding rape. Maling argues that Shanks' confusion stems from his own logical deductions, highlighting that the term "normal" should not be misinterpreted as a value judgment. He asserts that the genetic structure of male mammals allows for certain behaviours, including rape, which can be observed in both homosexual and heterosexual cases. Maling cites examples from the animal kingdom, such as cats and tigresses, to illustrate his point that these behaviours exist in nature and should be recognised objectively, irrespective of moral viewpoints. In a separate letter, Bruce Morrison critiques Philip Burdon's proposal for raising the age of consent to 20. Morrison argues that such legislation would be unenforceable for the 16 to 19 age group and questions the practicality of legislating morality. He challenges Burdon's role as a lawmaker and the implications of his proposal on the existing legal framework. Both letters reflect ongoing debates in New Zealand regarding sexual consent laws and the moral implications surrounding them during this period.
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