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Summary: Homosexual Law Changes (Press, 21 October 1985)
In a letter to the editor dated 16 October 1985, J. Miller, Chairman of the Selwyn Electorate National Party, expressed surprise at remarks made by Mr Gordon Dennis regarding the response to homosexual law reform within the Selwyn electorate branch. Miller attended nearly all annual general meetings (A.G.M.s) and found little evidence to support Dennis's claim of an "overwhelming rejection" of the proposed reforms. He noted that discussions on the issue occurred at only two out of 16 branch meetings, with only one of those meetings taking a vote. A remit opposing the bill was presented at the electorate A.G.M. and resulted in a narrow vote of 30 in favour and 18 against, with about 40 attendees abstaining from the vote. Miller interpreted this as a sign of a lack of strong interest in the topic. He also mentioned that after hearing the explanations from Ruth Richardson regarding her stance, most members present seemed to concur, at least in principle, with her views. This letter highlighted the divided opinions within the branch on the issue of homosexual law reform.
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