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Summary: Campaign To ‘work Against Radical Right’ (Press, 11 October 1985)
On 11 October 1985, it was reported that Wellington has established an organisation named Campaign for Tolerance, following Auckland's lead, with the aim of countering the activities and influence of the Coalition of Concerned Citizens. Ms Sue Driver, spokesperson for the new group, explained that the organisation's focus would be on opposing the "radical right" and highlighting the inconsistencies and superficial arguments of their ideology. Campaign for Tolerance plans to achieve its objectives through the development of information networks and the organisation of seminars for community groups. Ms Driver emphasised the importance of freedom of choice as a fundamental aspect of a democratic society and noted the increasing alarm regarding the messages and tactics employed by radical right organisations, including the League of Rights and the Society for the Protection of Individual Rights. She argued that the radical right promotes a message of intolerance that disregards the diversity of opinions, lifestyles, and cultural perspectives essential to a democratic framework. The report highlighted that significant progress had been made in recent years concerning equal pay, women's rights, advancements in education, and the recognition of New Zealand as a multi-racial society. However, Ms Driver claimed that radical right groups are working diligently to undermine these achievements through campaigns that rely on fear and misinformation. One of their current focal points is homosexual law reform, though it is anticipated that they may also target other areas, including child care services, women's organisations, trade unions, the peace movement, progressive education, and libraries, potentially leading to attempts to censor or ban certain books. The Campaign for Tolerance seeks to provide accurate information as a means of countering the fear that such radical perspectives propagate, aiming to uphold the values of inclusivity and diversity against what they perceive as a dangerous trend of intolerance.
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