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Summary: The Day In Parliament (Press, 10 October 1985)
On 10 October 1985, the New Zealand Parliament held a session in which Speaker Dr Wall addressed a complaint regarding an article published in "Truth." This article discussed the Homosexual Law Reform Bill and raised a potential privilege issue, suggesting that the statements made could be seen as attempts to threaten or influence MPs in their decision-making. Consequently, the matter was forwarded to the Privileges Committee for further investigation. During the session, annual reports from the Accident Compensation Corporation and the Ministry of Energy were presented. Additionally, government ministers responded to 15 parliamentary questions. The Opposition attempted to initiate a snap debate concerning New Zealand's defence policy, as articulated by former Defence Chiefs of Staff and other figures, but this was unsuccessful. The parliamentary proceedings included a two-hour general debate, during which the Nelson City Council (Trafalgar Park) Empowering Bill successfully progressed through its committee stages and received a third reading. The House then adjourned for dinner at 5.30 p.m. After reconvening at 7.30 p.m., the Invercargill City Council (Differential Rating Validation) Bill was introduced. The session shifted focus to the introduction of the Waitemata City Council (Farm Land) Bill, followed by discussions on the second reading of the Homosexual Law Reform Bill. This debate was ultimately cut short when the House rose at 11 p.m.
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