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Summary: Demand Instead Of Handshake (Press, 30 September 1985)
On 28 September 1985, an incident occurred during a National Party event in West Auckland involving Norman Jones, the National member of Parliament for Invercargill. While preparing to address a gathering at a wine and cheese evening, Mr Jones was unexpectedly confronted by Neil Bartlett, the chairman of the party’s Waitakere electorate committee. Instead of the anticipated handshake, Bartlett delivered a demand for Jones’s resignation, accompanied by a letter stating that Jones's public statements against the Homosexual Law Reform Bill were offensive and embarrassing for the National Party.
Bartlett articulated his discontent by wearing a badge from a group named Heterosexuals Unafraid of Gays, emphasizing his stance on the issue. Following the presentation of the letter, a verbal exchange ensued between the two. In response, Jones expressed his displeasure at the use of the Waitakere National Party organisation's letterhead for such a personal critique, stating that Bartlett was not representing the party's official position. He also took issue with the public setting in which Bartlett chose to deliver his resignation demand.
This incident highlights the internal conflicts within the National Party regarding attitudes towards the Homosexual Law Reform Bill, reflecting broader societal debates at the time.
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