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Homosexual Law Changes (Press, 26 September 1985)

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Summary: Homosexual Law Changes (Press, 26 September 1985)

In a letter published on 26 September 1985, David Shanks critiques the ongoing discourse surrounding homosexual law reform, specifically targeting the contributions of Vernon Wilkinson, whom he describes as a source of obscurantist arguments. Shanks asserts that the essential question at hand is the justification for criminal law to intervene in the private conduct of consenting adults. He argues that discussing this issue rationally renders opinion polls, petitions, and referendums irrelevant, labelling an upcoming petition to Parliament as a mere waste of resources. Instead of relying on public sentiment or the opinions of vocal opponents, Shanks advocates for a more principled approach to determining legal changes, suggesting that societal or emotional responses should not influence the creation of laws concerning personal behaviour. He emphasises that ethical and legal questions should be assessed through more substantive methods than the popularity of viewpoints among different factions.

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Publish Date:26th September 1985