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Summary: Homosexual Law Changes (Press, 17 September 1985)
In a letter to the editor published on 17 September 1985, Tina Troup responds to Mr Wilkinson's comments regarding homosexuality. Troup argues that there is a fundamental difference between homosexuals and criminals, which Wilkinson seems to overlook. She emphasises that criminals violate the rights of others, using examples such as murder and rape, which infringe on the victims' rights to life and personal autonomy. In contrast, Troup posits that homosexuals do not infringe on anyone’s rights; instead, it is society that infringes upon the rights of homosexuals by criminalising their existence and denying them the freedom to express mutual affection. Troup further challenges Wilkinson's concerns regarding population decline, noting that there is no imminent threat to human population levels and highlighting that many people still choose to have children. She questions the notion that families should perceive the lifestyle choices of others as a threat to their own. Troup advocates for the acceptance of diverse lifestyles rather than viewing them as a moral obligation or a danger to traditional family structures. Overall, her letter calls for a more inclusive understanding of human rights and personal choices regarding sexuality and family life.
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