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Summary: Teachers Who ‘understand’ (Press, 10 September 1985)
In a letter published on 10 September 1985, Vernon Wilkinson expressed strong opposition to the Wilde bill, which he believes could lead to the acceptance of practices detrimental to society. He referenced a recent television broadcast of a homosexual marriage in California, describing it as an "obscene parody" of traditional marriage. The portrayal included a minister in full robes officiating the ceremony, the exchange of vows and rings between two men, and a passionate kiss, which Wilkinson found distasteful. He further critiqued remarks made by a teacher at the P.P.T.A. conference who suggested that teachers of homosexual orientation should be appointed to better understand potential homosexual and lesbian students. Wilkinson dismisses this argument, sarcastically suggesting that by this logic, there should be a range of teachers with various negative traits, including criminal, alcoholic, and sub-normal teachers to cater to students with similar backgrounds. His concluding comments hint at concerns about the implications of such a rationale already being present in the education system.
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