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‘Gays’ Oppose Change To Bill (Press, 4 September 1985)

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Summary: ‘Gays’ Oppose Change To Bill (Press, 4 September 1985)

On 4 September 1985, Bill Logan, a spokesman for the Gay Task Force, announced that the homosexual community would strongly oppose any major changes to the Homosexual Law Reform Bill, especially concerning the age of consent and human rights provisions. This decision followed a conference in Wellington attended by approximately 200 gay men and lesbians. The current bill proposes an age of consent of 16 and aims to include sexual orientation in the Human Rights Commission Act. Logan emphasised that they seek no significant alterations, insisting that being gay should be viewed as normal and that equality for gay individuals is essential. He described attempts to impose restrictions based on age as irrelevant and indicative of homophobia, advocating for the original bill's passage. The conference also expressed concern over any attempts to further criminalise lesbianism and highlighted the necessity for improved organisation among various homosexual groups across New Zealand. Logan pointed out the existence of numerous lesbian and gay organisations, but stressed the need for greater co-ordination to effectively address national issues. Enhancing support for initiatives related to the New Zealand branch of the American Moral Majority, AIDS awareness, and the campaign for the bill were viewed as priorities. Activist Alison Laurie noted that anti-homosexual campaigns have involved sending local fundamentalists to the United States for training in tactics used by the Moral Majority. Responding to these allegations, Barry Reed, the spokesperson for the campaign against the bill, distanced his group, the Coalition of Concerned Citizens, from the Moral Majority, claiming that their focus was more on specific issues, such as the reform bill and sex education in schools. He insisted that this movement was representative of a broader New Zealand populace and not aligned with any particular political or religious agenda. Reed denied allegations that the Coalition’s members had undergone training in American tactics. He explained that John Massam, the editor of the Christian publication "Challenge Weekly," visited American cities to observe the homosexual community, funded by the campaign against the bill. Additionally, he revealed that the campaign had partially financed ministry leader Ian Hooker and three others to attend counselling services for homosexuals seeking to leave their lifestyle. This effort aimed to establish an organisation called Homosexuals Anonymous, which would support individuals desiring to change their sexual orientation. Overall, the conference underscored the homosexual community's commitment to fighting for equality and against any legislative amendments that they believe would undermine their rights. The community’s unity and determination were evident as they prepared to confront both local anti-gay campaigns and the emerging presence of fundamentalist groups in New Zealand.

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Publish Date:4th September 1985