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Summary: Teachers Support Colleagues (Press, 2 September 1985)
On 2 September 1985, the Post-Primary Teachers’ Association (PPTA) in Wellington held its annual conference where secondary school teachers unanimously supported an initiative to explore the rights of homosexual and lesbian staff members. The conference resolved to form a group comprising self-identified homosexual and lesbian teachers to examine the issue and present findings at the following year's conference. A significant point was raised by Auckland teacher Lena Orum, who highlighted the struggles faced by homosexual educators, stating that many felt compelled to "become invisible" due to societal pressures. Orum expressed concern that this situation posed an infringement on the human rights and dignity of association members, as it forced them to hide their true identities. She further pointed out that homosexual and lesbian teachers experienced challenges in career advancement and often endured derogatory remarks in the workplace. Orum also mentioned that it was not uncommon for staff members to make insensitive comments about homosexuality in the presence of students, which contributed to a hostile environment. The recommendation to investigate and address the rights and protections of homosexual teachers was passed without any opposition, indicating a strong consensus among the attendees regarding the need for reform and support.
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