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Summary: Conference Gives Boost To ‘gay’ Law Reform (Press, 2 September 1985)
At the Labour Party's annual conference in Christchurch on 1 September 1985, advocates for homosexual law reform gained significant support. Delegates voted in favour of a remit calling for the repeal of all laws that prohibit consensual homosexual acts between males aged over 16. The conference urged the Government to extend protections under the Human Rights Commission Act and the Bill of Rights to include discrimination based on sexual orientation. However, an attempt to make the conference's decision binding on Labour MPs did not pass. In addition to issues regarding homosexual law reform, delegates discussed various justice-related matters. They supported establishing independent mechanisms to investigate complaints of police misconduct and abuse of power. Furthermore, there was a call for a thorough review of police equipment, specifically the use of long batons, riot gear, firearms, and the structure of team policing units. In a move that appeared to target the New Zealand Rugby Union, delegates agreed that organisers of commercial sports events requiring significant police presence should cover the associated costs and compensate for any damage caused to property. Lastly, the conference held a closely contested vote that resulted in the approval of a remit recommending the drinking age be lowered from 20 to 18. This series of decisions underscored a commitment to address both social justice issues and public safety reforms within the party's agenda.
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