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Summary: “No Moral Utopia” (Press, 30 August 1985)
In response to Neville M. Rush's criticism of the editorial "No moral Utopia," published on 24 August 1985, Letitia B. Onions from Wellington expresses concern that Mr Rush's fears of a supposed "alien and godless philosophy" from humanists are ironically mirrored by the fears humanists have about fundamentalists such as Mr Rush. Onions argues that the fundamentalist movement's goals lack genuine morality and connection to God. M. T. Moore also weighs in on the debate, addressing Rush's portrayal of anyone who disagrees with him as complicit in societal issues. He references a letter from Jill Wilcox that effectively counters Rush's views. Moore questions the understanding of the "750,000 ordinary people" Rush claims opposed to homosexual law reform, suggesting that many of these individuals may be young and subject to adult pressure regarding their signatures. Despite Rush's assertion that 2,426,790 New Zealanders identified as believers in God and traditional values in the 1981 census, Moore highlights that this still leaves nearly one million people who may be indifferent or have more liberal beliefs. He argues that this nearly 30 percent of the population cannot be rightfully deemed "immoral, subversive, or alien" as Rush suggests. These letters reflect the tension surrounding discussions on morality and the perceptions of religious and secular groups in New Zealand during this period. The debate underscores the societal divides over beliefs and values, suggesting that differing interpretations of morality are central to the ongoing discourse around these issues.
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