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Summary: A.I.D.S. Publicity (Press, 28 August 1985)
In a letter to the editor published in "The Press" on 28 August 1985, Keith L. Crump defended the late Bruce Burnett against accusations made by Varian J. Wilson. Crump took issue with claims made during Wilson's telephone conversation that sought to undermine Burnett's credibility and work. He argued that since Burnett had passed away and could not defend himself, it was important for him to speak out on behalf of his late friend. Crump noted that he had a strong understanding of Burnett's relationships and work due to their friendship and his connections with Burnett's associates and colleagues. He strongly asserted that Burnett did not mislead the gay community regarding his health status, specifically that he did not falsely claim to suffer from AIDS. Crump concluded by inviting readers to form their own opinions on the matter while indicating that he would not continue the correspondence on this topic. The editor of the publication acknowledged this letter while stating that further correspondence regarding Bruce Burnett was closed.
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