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Summary: Homosexual Law Changes (Press, 21 August 1985)
In a letter to the editor published on 21 August 1985, Rosalie Rolls expresses her strong opposition to the proposed homosexual law reform, which she and others argue is being mischaracterised as a human rights bill. Rolls contends that the legislation is rooted in what she describes as a "human perversion" rather than a legitimate human right, asserting that it represents an ultimate perversion by promoting a practice that she believes does not contribute to the continuation of the species but rather leads to death. Rolls is critical of the arguments put forth by proponents of the reform, particularly the claim that it is necessary to combat the spread of AIDS, which she dismisses as misleading. She states that there are no effective treatments for the disease, pointing to a lack of solutions and dismissing the idea that the legislation will alleviate human suffering, instead suggesting it will worsen the situation. She invokes fundamental Christian teachings, which are often the focus of criticism from supporters of the reform, arguing that these teachings are based on a divine understanding that promotes mercy. Rolls concludes her letter by asserting that truth is the only force that can genuinely liberate individuals. Overall, her letter reveals a perspective deeply rooted in religious conviction and a belief that legal changes regarding homosexuality will have negative societal implications.
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