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Summary: A.I.D.S. Publicity (Press, 19 August 1985)
In a letter published in "The Press" on 19 August 1985, Keith L. Crump of Wellington responds to comments made by Varian J. Wilson regarding Bruce Burnett, the founder of the A.I.D.S. Support Network, who has passed away. Crump defends Burnett, asserting that those who welcomed him into their homes were aware of his health condition and understood the risks involved. He emphasises that Burnett was upfront about his struggles with A.I.D.S. and took measures to ensure others' safety. Crump, a long-time friend of Burnett, describes him as a man of honour who made significant contributions to society, suggesting that Wilson’s comments unfairly tarnish Burnett’s reputation posthumously. Crump challenges Wilson to provide evidence for his claims, criticizing him for making personal attacks without substantiation, especially against someone who can no longer defend themselves. He urges Wilson to reconsider the impact of his statements on the community and the legacy of Burnett.
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