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Summary: The Day In Parliament (Press, 14 August 1985)
On 14 August 1985, members of Parliament in Wellington presented two petitions during a session that began at 2 p.m. Mr T. C. Mallard, representing the Labour Party from Hamilton West, submitted a petition on behalf of Catherine Bennion and 57 other signatories, urging Parliament to reject the Homosexual Law Reform Bill. In another instance, Mr P. T. E. Woollaston, also from the Labour Party and representing Nelson, presented a petition concerning Nelson College, seeking permission to introduce the Nelson College Empowering Bill. During the session, the annual reports from the National Roads Board and the Tourist and Publicity Department were tabled. Ministers addressed a total of five questions for the day as well as 14 questions on notice. The House then transitioned into committee to discuss the committee stages of the Criminal Justice Bill (No. 2), successfully completing this along with the Penal Institutions Amendment Bill (No. 2). The debate on the committee stages of the Education Amendment Bill was interrupted when the House paused for dinner at 5.30 p.m., resuming later at 7.30 p.m. Following the break, the House advanced the Education Amendment Bill through its committee stages. Additionally, the Copyright Amendment Bill and the Powers of Search (Internal Concealment) Bill both progressed to their second readings. The session included the commencement of discussions on the second reading of the Rape Law Reform Bill (No. 2), but this debate was cut short when the House adjourned at 11 p.m.
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