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Summary: Sex Education In Schools (Press, 2 August 1985)
On 2 August 1985, letters to the editor in response to articles about the medical realities of A.I.D.S. highlighted the ongoing debate over sexual education and morality in New Zealand. One letter from J. M. Nihoniho underscored the need for chastity education in schools, arguing that this should replace the distribution of contraceptives. Nihoniho expressed concerns that the government and educational authorities would be negligent if they implemented sex education or legislation regarding homosexuality that could endanger young people. He advocated for a focus on abstinence and traditional moral standards, suggesting that parents should have the right to withdraw their children from schools if they felt the environment was detrimental. In contrast, a letter from Shaun Jones critiqued Nihoniho's perspective, stating that the rejection of divine morality does not equate to mere trendiness or humanism. Jones suggested that morality is not fixed by religious doctrine but evolves over time, reflecting contemporary values. He questioned the idea of a divinely sanctioned moral code, pointing out inconsistencies within biblical teachings and arguing that interpretations of morality are subject to change. Jones proposed that the discussions of morality and ethics are part of a broader human experience that transcends specific religious beliefs. Both letters reflect the contentious societal discourse surrounding sexual education, morality, and public health during this period, illustrating the tensions between traditional beliefs and more modern views on sexuality and education.
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